
Art for our sake.

There’s something that happens to us when we look at a striking piece of art. It changes our mood, refreshes our thinking, sparks conversation. Take a walk around Use.Space and you’ll see plenty of thought-provoking pieces, 2d and 3d, including stunning original work by local artist James Roper. Commissions from Nike, Converse and MTV are testament to the power of James’ work, and we feel privileged to share it with our members and visitors.


When you have the co-founders of Buzzy Bee Bakery in the family, afternoon tea here at Use.Space is always going to be a bit special.

Having dogs in the workplace has been proven to reduce stress and improve wellbeing, that’s what two of our four-legged residents George and Ally say anyway.

Keep your eyes peeled and you might spot our Use.Space wrapped, environmentally friendly, all-electric taxi gliding quietly around the centre of Manchester.

Bringing the outside inside.

The word ‘biophilia’ has its roots in the Greek ‘philia’, meaning ‘love of’. Psychologist, Erich Fromm, first used the word ‘biophilia’ in 1964, when he described it as ‘the passionate love of life and all that is alive’. There’s no question that being in or around nature makes all of us humans feel good, which is why we have brought the outside inside and created a truly biophilic environment at Use.Space.

This is our fantastic beast.

The word ‘rhinoceros’ comes from the Greek ‘rhino’ (nose) and ‘ceros’ (horn). There are five species and eleven subspecies of rhino – some have two horns, while others have one – but so many of these incredible animals are being driven to the brink of extinction. As members of ‘Save The Rhino’ and we want to help save all of these fantastic beasts.

A universal call to action.

Think, create, act – it’s what we like to do here, and it’s what the United Nations would like each and every one of us to do, all across the globe. In 2015 all 193 United Nations Member States signed up to UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an agenda with 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at its heart, and an urgent call for action by all countries in global partnership. Ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Good is the New Cool.

As supporters of the bold, purpose-driven agenda of Afdhel Aziz, Bobby Jones and ‘Good Is The New Cool’, our founder David Walter and Creative Director John Whalley were both invited to speak about ‘business for good’ at GOODCon Europe.

Manchester Pasta Co.

‘Nothing makes me happier than joy on someone’s face when they eat my food. I hope you enjoy eating it as much as I enjoy cooking it’ – these are the words of Michelin trained chef and founder of Manchester Pasta Co. Laurie Curtis. Come and experience that joy for yourself, right here at Use.Space.

Force of Nature.

Mobilising mindsets for climate action, ‘Force of Nature’ work to help young people turn eco-anxiety into action, and work with leaders to drive intergenerational solutions. We are proud to support them as part of our community. 

Phoebe Hanson, Director of People & Culture, is seen here filming for the BBC’s Frozen Planet.


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